What Happens at an Assessment Hearing When Disputing a Lawyer's Fees?

By Toronto Assessment Lawyer, Karen Zvulony

The Following Information is provided as General information only and not meant to be legal advice.

If someone is dissatisfied with the legal fees charged by their lawyer, they may have the right to dispute the lawyer’s fees under the Solicitors Act by requesting an assessment. The article below outlines what happens after a client obtains an order for assessment under the Solicitors Act to dispute the lawyer’s legal fees.

Generally, after a client or lawyer obtains an Order for Assessment in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) and in the Province of Ontario, the Assessment Office will schedule a date for a preliminary appointment. During the preliminary appointment, the parties will appear before an assessment officer and deal with any preliminary issues.  This will typically include matters such as determining the amount of fees in dispute and number of bills, if the  bills are paid, if there are any jurisdictional issues, whether the lawyer’s retainer is disputed, if there are any prospects for settlement, production requests, and the time necessary for a hearing. 

At the preliminary appointment, the Assessment Officer will set a date for the hearing or for another preliminary appointment if the matter is complex or further directions appear necessary. In some cases parties may be referred to mediation. 

At a hearing, the lawyer that is having their bills/fees assessed must give evidence in order to prove what work was done and the value of that work. The onus is always on the lawyer whose fees are being challenged to prove their account. Although not required, it is often advisable for the client to give evidence at the hearing. After hearing the evidence, the Assessment Officer will render their decision on what the lawyer’s accounts should be assessed at. This can result in money being returned to the client. 

Factors considered by an Assessment Officer at a Hearing

  • the time expended by the solicitor;
  • the legal complexity of the matters dealt with;
  • the degree of responsibility assumed by the solicitor;
  • the monetary value of the matters in issue;
  • the importance of the matters to the client;
  • the degree of skill and competence demonstrated by the solicitor;
  • the results achieved; 
  • the client’s expectation as to the amount of the fee; and 
  • the ability of the client to pay


Thorough and Personalized Legal Advice Regarding the Legal Fees Charged by your Lawyer

Know your legal rights under the Solicitors Act to dispute a Lawyer’s Legal Fees

If you have questions about the fees charged by a lawyer and think you have been overcharged for legal fees, feel free to complete the form below or contact KZP Law at 416 827 8713 or [email protected] to set up a consultation with our Toronto Assessment Lawyer, Karen Zvulony. Karen Zvulony offers a special rate of $199.00 for the first 45 minutes of consultation. During the Consultation, the Assessment Lawyer can advise you regarding your rights under the Solicitors Act, including:

  • The timeline and process for starting an Assessment to dispute your lawyer’s fees
  • The factors considered by the Courts in assessment hearings arising from fee disputes regarding a lawyer’s bill
  • What to expect at an Assessment Hearing
  • What is a preliminary appointment before the assessment Officer and how best to prepare
  • Motions or Applications arising from fee disputes
  • Jurisdiction issues regarding the legal fees charged by the lawyer
  • Preliminary review and advice regarding the reasonableness of the lawyer’s fees and accounts
  • Review the lawyer’s retainer agreement
  • Your rights under the Solicitors Act to ask for an assessment of the Lawyer’s bill
  • Answering any questions you may have


For legal advice from an experienced Assessment Lawyer complete the form below for a consultation and we will contact you shortly to set up a consultation. Karen Zvulony offers a special rate of $199 for the first 45 minutes of consultation.